Monday, March 02, 2009

the unattainable you...

i really dont follow...

why is everyone around me talking about wanting to get married?

i mean, granted that i dont have to worry about that anymore, after sadly ending my single days almost 10 months ago ( WHAT??!!! gee how time flies!), i really do not understand why one would ever voluntarily submit to it!! somehow i sound like a bitter old housewife who is stuck in a loveless marriage unable to do anything about it but cope!...

no, on the contrary, actually... i'm very much happy, with no ill feelings towards my husband and the notion of being monogamous... for the rest of my life......

but then again, i was never one to romanticise the idea of marriage...

knowing full well that it really isn't like the storybook fairytale that we always hope would happen to absolutely anyone & everyone (ourselves included!)... or maybe at least to those who deserve it (again, ourselves included! ;p)

has anyone ever realized that movies & cartoons so famously made known by walt disney, that were so innocently sweet, idolizing the idea of the 'happily ever after', has now ceased and in it's place, a relatively new concept of portraying the technicalities of real life and how to deal with a life less perfect, is popularized instead!

i mean, no more cinderellas... snow whites... sleeping beauties & swan lakes, well at least, not a direct translation of it anyways,

and in its place(?)

movies like madagascar ( episodes 1, 2 & beyond! ), the bee movie & wall-e (please excuse my lack of knowledge of current child flicks, being a childless individual that i am), most of these are movies which now uses animal-beings (i'm pretty sure i just made that word up) to play parts that represent us people... i mean, we did have winnie the pooh & humpty dumpty when i was younger, but there were far more cartoons that were of humans!

how funny things change within a few years... ( i'm pulling your leg here... it's maybe been about 23 years since winnie the pooh was a blockbuster hit at the cinemas where i used to watch it! )... oh, how i miss those innocent days...

yes, they are all breeding a new generation of 'thinkers' instead of 'feelers', as i put it... but i guess that is not such a bad thing!

which is why we are back at square one...

the urge to get married...

i do try to give my 2 cents' worth whenever people ask me whether they should jump in on the bandwagon that i am now in,

and most of the time it's not a pessimistic answer that comes out of my tiny, adorable mouth... there are those who are 19 but are far more mature than their age... and in my case, there are those that are past 30 but lack the knowledge and experience one usually has gained having lived that long! in this case, it's probably called naivety ( it sounds nicer anyways!)...

the trick is simple,

never take anything too seriously!

you can fight,
but dont bear thoughts of taking the easy way out and not working through your fights... although, i might be the kettle that is calling the pot black... (i'd rather be a kettle than a pot!)...

i cant recall having worked out all my problems with my husband... we just fight like cats and dogs (again, i'm the dog here) every so often then we usually end it by me laughing at him! simple really. then we just move on with our lives and figure out where to go for dinner! it's worked so far... let's pray that this trick works for a very very long time...

i know of some people as well as having friends that have married while hosting the 'marriage of the year' that's don't see their happily ever afters...
out of 6 there are at least 2 who don't last for more than 7 months... sad, really...
some of these people were just naive to begin with, but there are those who are absolute angels & sweethearts, who takes the bond of marriage very seriously,
who unfortunately do not make it either...

usually, it's not the life changing issues that trigger it, but the really trivial, silly arguments one has about whose parents' house we're having dinner at this week
and how much your spouse is socializing without you
that really becomes a factor on deciding on divorce!
i think it's because people are just too lazy to try to assess an argument as menial as that,
that it becomes dragged and unresolved... what else could one expect to happen after not speaking to your partner after a few weeks? we become complacent and just secretly happy that we finally have the freedom to be alone again after months or years of living as part of a 'we'... as the infamous saying in that funny movie i saw once (yes, i'm really bad with names, titles and faces), there is no 'i' in we...
how i miss being a 'me'... but i'm lucky the other half of my 'we' is who & how he is with me...
i have the permission to slip out of my position as the other half of 'we' and pretend to be a 'me' whenever i feel like it! (which is becoming less frequent than how it was about 6 months ago)...

yes, i am finally getting used to the idea of becoming a 'we'... and it's taken me this long... i'm sure there are many hurdles and potholes that i will have to jump over and crawl under before i finally accept that i am now married... but at this rate, i guess it's trucking along quite nicely... let me ramble more at a later date... i really do have to go & have dinner with the other half of my 'we'!



the undomestic wife...

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